Stable Care can be bought in-game or through the Star Stable Friends app.
If you want to purchase Stable Care in-game, you can do it in two ways. You will need to go to your home stable, click on the noticeboard, choose Stable Care Help, or click on the top right-hand corner of the screen to see the number of days of Stable Care you have.
Depending on how many days you already have, you can choose between 1-30 days of Stable Care. The maximum you can have is 30 days.
If you prefer to buy Stable Care through the app or just want to check how many days you have left, simply press the face icon at the bottom of the screen after logging in. This shows you how many days you currently have left. If you want to buy more days, press the horse icon and then the plus button until you reach the number of days you want to buy. Press Buy, and you’re done!
Star Stable Friends